Mink Sulong Potential Powers Revealed

OnePiece Manga Chapters 888 and 889 gave us a huge hint to Mink tribe's true power and also showed us the transformation that they go under when they see a full moon. The Transformation of Mink tribe was predicted by many people when carrot gave us a hint by mentioning about the full moon randomly before in the previous manga chapters as well. The theory of minks power being more stronger due to moon light was speculated by many people but nothing related to their transformation was speculated before. Chapter 888 showed us Transformation of carrot when she saw the full moon and even told us how people who have higher rank status in the mink tribe can undergo this transformation as well. The transformation that they go under is known as "Sulong". It is still unknown if minks of lower rank can undergo this transformation as well or not but according to carrot's statement saying she is a Musketeer and Pedro taught her Sulong transformation it is fair to assume that minks having higher rank can only undergo this transformation.
Mink Sulong transformation seems to be extremely powerful transformation as it seems that many strong people know about this transformation including Bigmom Pirates and Jinbe. Even Daifuku and other strong Bigmom Pirates were somewhat scared and shocked when they came to know about carrot transforming. Jinbe mentioned that Sulong is basically a white voilent form that is very powerful and hard to control. Jinbe even said that if a mink is unable to control that then they tire themselves fighting throughout night until they die. We have already seen that carrot was in full control and even smiled when she was going rampage on the enemy ships, But after sometime she mentioned that she was starting to loose her consciousness maybe that was the side effect of Sulong transformation as Jinbe mentioned. I personally believe that carrot has still not fully mastered the transformation and that is the reason why she was loosing her consciousness. I think its not only with her but every mink go under transformation when they see full moon. The transformation can be avoided as well if they don't see the moon that can be done by covering their eyes or wearing colorful glasses etc.
I believe that the concept of Sulong basically came from Werewolf. We all know that Oda(creator of onepiece) takes many references from here and there and I believe he did that in this condition as well. Werewolf and Sulong both have many similar characteristics such as they can perform transformation only in Full moon when they see the moon. Just like Werewolf transformation it is extremely hard to control Sulong transformation as well. There is change in the color of their body and eyes as well. Both the transformation take enormous amount of energy away from body that lead to the user being unable to perform any activity for short or long amount of time depending upon the situation that they deal with. Trasnformation of Werewolf basically enhances body senses by giving them superhuman senses, strenght, speed, reflexes, Agility, coordination, balance, durability, stamina etc. These all characteristics were also seen in Sulong transformation as Carrot was extremely fast and she was even able to jump in water and destroy ships one after another with her superhuman strength. It would not be a surprise if the concept of Sulong was derived from Werewolf as this will not be the first time Oda introducing a mythical character, He has done it in the past as well by introducing Mammoth(Jack), Drake(Dinosaur), Basil Hawkins(Scarecrow), Sengoku(Buddha) etc.
Hence, I want to conclude by saying that Mink's Sulong transformation is inspired from werewolf, Carrot has not fully mastered Sulong transformation.


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