
Showing posts from February, 2018

OnePiece| Gear 4th Snake Man Attacks Ranked

Gear 4th that is luffy's most powerful gear in the current context of Onepiece has been shown to be very powerful as it consumes large amount of Haki. But, it has not been specified as too how many forms does Gear 4th have. Till now we have been shown three Gear 4th form named Pound Man, Tank Man and Snake Man from the recent onepiece manga. Each of luffy's gear seems to be inspired from the animals that were in the forest during the 2 years training that he did with Rayleigh. The names of the attack of gear 4th are also mainly based on animals and this still continues as the attacks from his Gear 4th Snake Man has also been shown. Based on his name we can already tell that his attacks are all based on snakes and has also named all his attacks on snakes. Snakes are mainly considered dangerous due to them being extremely poisonous. There are many snakes that are not poisonous but when we think of a snake then we usually think poisonous ones. Since all the snakes mentioned in his

Onepiece| Future Allies of Strawhats

As we are heading much more into the yonko saga we are getting introduced much more powerful characters. We have already got a view of some yonko and their commander's, They are extremely powerful and are nothing like what strawhats have fought before. We can already guess that strawhats themselves will not be able to defeat pirates in the new world specially yonko as they have already messed up with 3 out of 4 yonkos. As Shanks is the 4th yonko, we can easily say that there wont be fight between the Strawhat Pirates and Redhair Pirates. Luffy has already started fight with Bigmom and is currently fighting with the Bigmom Pirates in both the Manga as well as Anime, Luffy has also pissed off Kaido by defeating Doflamingo and the next arc after Wholecake Island Arc is the Wano Kuni Arc as confirmed by Mr.Echiro Oda creator of OnePiece, So we will be seeing strawhats pirates in action with kaido in the next arc. Another Yonko that we will be seeing Strawhats fight is the BlackBeard Pi